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F.P. Dorchak Releases Psychic as an E-book


PPW is happy to announce that F.P Dorchak’s action/adventure conspiracy thriller, Psychic, has come out in E-book!

Life…we are told…progresses chronologically. Between birth and death we take certain roads…bypass others. There is only one life, one reality.

But what if we have it all wrong?

Enter the world of psychic espionage…where people disappear…lives are destroyed…and facts are manipulated. Where one man stops at nothing to get what he wants, yet doesn’t know what he really has…and one woman’s belief in herself is severely tested….

Where all is never as it seems.

F. P. Dorchak writes gritty speculative fiction. Frank is published in the U.S., Canada, and the Czech Republic. His novels are Voice, Psychic, ERO, The Uninvited, and Sleepwalkers, and his first anthology, Do The Dead Dream? won the 2017 Best Books Award for Fiction: Short Stories. His short stories have appeared in the off-the-grid The Black Sheep; You Belong 2016, Words and Images from Longmont Area Residents regional anthology for 2016; The You Belong Collection, Writings and Illustrations by Longmont Area Residents regional anthology for 2012; Apollo’s Lyre.

Frank can occasionally be reached in séances, and his website. Email works great too: fpdorchak@fpdorchak

Sweet Success by: KJ Scrim, Contributing Editor.
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