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Sweet Success for Darby Karchut


Darby Karchut, is over the moon to share the news that her latest middle grade fantasy, THE RED CASKET (the sequel to the award-winning DEL TORO MOON) releases January 14from Owl Hollow Press.

Covers of The Red Casket and Del Toro Moon


Never trust a witch.

For four hundred years, generations of the Family Del Toro and their battle-savvy warhorses have secretly guarded their corner of Colorado from all things creepy. But when a menacing woman with some wicked witch powers shows up at the Del Toro ranch and demands the return of the Red Casket, twelve year old Matt Del Toro must team up with his best friend Perry—along with the warhorses Rigo and Isabel—to out-wit, out-ride, and out-fight one Viking-size sorceress.

“A thoroughly joyful adventure filled with humor, mystery, and the best group of talking warhorses a kid could ask for!”  – Lija Fisher, author of The Cryptid Catcher

Pre-order a copy at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, IndieBound, booksellers world-wide, and don’t forget to add it to your Goodreads list.


Darby Karchut

Darby Karchut is a multi-award winning author, dreamer, and compulsive dawn greeter. A proud native of New Mexico, she now lives in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, where she runs in blizzards and bikes in lightning storms. When not dodging death by Colorado, Darby is busy wrangling words. Her thirteenth novel, DEL TORO MOON (Owl Hollow Press) was the 2019 Colorado Book Award Winner for Juvenile Literature. THE RED CASKET (the sequel to DEL TORO MOON) releases January 2020. Visit the author at

Darby is also PPW’s Sweet Success Coordinator. If you have a Sweet Success to share please contact Darby at:

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