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Director’s Note on PPWC 2018




Writing is hard work.  And, unfortunately, there can be disappointment along the way.  But we write because we love it, because we don’t know how not to write, because we were born to write.  But there are times…

Don’t Quit–DO IT!

Our goal for the 2018 Pikes Peak Writers Conference is to give you the tools, the contacts, the knowledge and the passion to carry on despite that rejection letter or not placing in a contest.  Don’t quit!  Keep writing!  Keep improving your skills!  Keep meeting others in the business!  Keep throwing things out there to see what finally sticks!  DO IT!!

Our staff is hard at work building a conference that upholds the PPWC tradition of being exciting, informative and friendly. We will continue with the Query 1-on-1 and offer our Read and Critiques sessions as well.  We are building a faculty full of best-selling keynote speakers, entertaining and engaging authors and professionals, and manuscript hungry agents and editors.  We’re even looking at the Write Drunk, Edit Sober special event again.  And, once again, we are proud to be hosted by the fabulous Colorado Springs Marriott.

We hope you will join our family for the 26th Annual Pikes Peak Writers Conference and, together, we’ll DO IT!

Karen Fox
Conference Director

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