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Letter from the Editor


Dear Readers, Letter from the Editor
First off, CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who participated in NaNoWriMo this year. It is quite a feat to do NaNo, and if you made it to the end, or if you made only through the first day, you deserve a pat on the back. No, a round of applause. A massage. Heck go all out and spend a day at the spa! You deserve it.

This Month

Writing from the Peak is kicking this month off with a post from Margena Holmes for post-Nano. What do you do with all those words you pounded out over the past thirty days? Margena will give you some ideas. We will also hear from DeAnna Knippling and Sam Crane who are looking at the opposite of novel writing; Flash Fiction and Short Stories.

Conference will round out this month with a series of posts from our scholarship recipients from PPWC2018. If you are on the fence about applying for a scholarship, please read what past recipients have to say. PPWC changed their writing lives and it can change yours too. Application deadline is January 11, 2019. More information is available on the scholarship page.


Last, I want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. I have heard there are over 25 holidays between Halloween and The Lunar New Year, but I only have space here to mention a few of the big ones. The season actually kicked off in October with Halloween (Samhain for Wicca) followed by The Day of the Dead and Thanksgiving in November. December brings celebrations for Hanukkah, St Lucia Day (Swedish), Christmas and Kwanzaa. The New Year kicks off January and the holidays round out with the Chinese New Year on February 5th. No matter how you celebrate this time of year, please enjoy every moment with family and friends. And, remember to raise a glass to those who are deployed, or are otherwise unable to spend their holidays at home.

From all of us here at Writing from the Peak…


KJ Scrim, Profile ImageManaging Editor, Kathie “KJ” Scrim, is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Her inspiration for blogging, flash fiction, short stories, and the long haul of novel writing comes from her many life experiences. When she’s not writing you can find her somewhere in Colorado walking, hiking, or rock climbing at the local gym.

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