Pikes Peak Writers Conference 2018 is just around the corner. Today, Karen Fox, PPWC Conference Director, shares some Conference extras that you won’t want to miss. PPWC offers so many extras this year that they couldn’t all fit in one post. Check back for more Special Events at PPWC 2018. -Gabrielle V Brown, Managing Editor
The Pikes Peak Writers Conference will run from April 27-29, 2018 with the full-day prequel on April 26, 2018. But there’s more than that. Here is information on some of the special events we’re offering that you’ll likely want to participate in as well (part 1 of 2).
Aside from over 40 workshops covering all aspects of commercial fiction writing, PPWC offers a chance to query a buying editor or agent or to visit with renowned published authors. You’ll also have the opportunity to sit with these editors, agents and fantastic speakers at the meals. The conference price includes seven meals throughout the weekend. (Did I mention prime rib on Saturday night? Yum.)
Start off your conference on Thursday night, 26 April 2018 by spending some time with Sourcebooks Editorial Director, Deb Werksman for Stitch, Pitch and Color. This will be relaxing opportunity in the hotel library where attendees can pitch their works, knit or crochet along with Deb, or bring in a coloring book or other non-messy craft to share the time. Even if you’re shy, this is a great opportunity to eavesdrop on an industry-knowledgeable editor while keeping your hands busy.
Are you a PPWC Contest winner? The Pikes Peak Writers Conference has offered a writing contest for unpublished writers for decades. Known at one time as the Paul Gillette Contest for Excellence in Fiction Writing, the Zebulon, as it’s now known, recognizes the talents of writers every year in a variety of genres. This year, the conference has decided to open up a slot in the Eagles Nest room before the Contest Awards Banquet on Saturday night to allow all contest winners–past and present–to mingle and share in their experience of winning these awards. Who has gone on to sell? Who has an agent? What secrets are there to maximizing this experience? Networking and sharing information are two of the most valuable assets a writer can take away from a conference.
The conference on-site fundraising opportunities go toward filling the scholarships for the next year and supporting the conference so we can bring in even better faculty, workshops and activities. One way an attendee can help out this year is to buy a $10.00 PPWC fortune pen. A $10.00 pen, you say?!! But this is no ordinary pen–inside is a piece of paper that lets you know which one of a wide montage of amazing prizes you might have won (all valued $10.00 and up). There could be books on craft or fiction. There could be a free night at the Marriott. There could be wine. Or a 50-page critique from an attending editor or agent. Or a free prequel for 2019. An attendee has to purchase a pen to find out.
Do you judge a book by its cover? Most of us tend to do that. Well, now you have to pick a book to read without seeing the cover. The second fundraising opportunity at conference allows an attendee to go on a “Blind Date with a Book.” For a donation, an attendee can get a book wrapped in brown-paper with only a short synopsis and genre on it. Might be a mystery. Or thriller. Or science fiction. Or romance. But which one?
Keep looking for part 2 of this blog, which will detail even more on this year’s PPWC extra activities.
Karen is PPWC 2018 Conference Director. When not embroiled in the adventure and romance of her latest characters, Karen shares her house in Colorado Springs, CO with her husband, her granddaughter, and four cats. She has published eight paranormal romance novels, one short story and one young adult novella. Her second book, SOMEWHERE MY LOVE, was a 1998 RITA Finalist for the Romance Writers of America. She’s currently at work on a young adult urban fantasy and new romance.
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