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Setting Up Your Story for Success


By Trista Herring Baughman

You have a great story idea. Or you’ve started a book, but you’re stuck. Now what? How can you go from a seedling of a story to a fully branched, deeply rooted one?

If you’re a panster, you’ll likely begin by sitting down to write. If you are a plotter (or a panster with writer’s block), you might want to try a few (or all) of these steps to set your story up for success or to get it back on track. 

When I started writing, I was entirely a pantser. Now, I’ve experimented with both methods. Sometimes I still begin that way, but I tend to plot when I get stuck.

You don’t have to use all of these steps in order, you don’t even have to use every step, but doing so will provide you with the tools to make your story take root and be fruitful. 

Steps to Success

  • Begin with a mind map. This involves dumping all the ideas you have related to the story you’re writing into one place. By organizing thoughts visually, you can see connections between them, which often sparks new ideas. I refer back to my mind map when creating my outline. More on that later.
  • Compile a playlist on Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, your MP3 player–whichever. If your story was a movie, what would its soundtrack be? I like to listen to my playlist during my brainstorming and research sessions and sometimes when I write. 
  • Make a Mood Board. I was reintroduced to mood boards while taking an illustration course and had a lightbulb moment. I should be using these for writing, too!  Having a visual to look at is very inspiring for me. Pinterest is a great starting point, but I prefer cutting and pasting printed pictures onto an actual board or into my notebook. Do what works for you. 
  • Character sketches are another great tool. You want to know your characters very well. Having a short file on each one with physical characteristics, character traits, and desires is handy when you are writing and doing revisions. You do not want Jane to have blue eyes on page 3 and hazel eyes on page 136. 
  • Map Your Setting. Maybe you’re a writer, not an artist, and that’s ok. This map is just for you. This is particularly useful if you’re writing adventure or fantasy, but knowing the landscape of your story will be useful as you write out your scenes regardless of genre. If drawing the map yourself doesn’t appeal to you, there are programs and stamp sets that might interest you. A Google search will provide numerous options. 
  • Make a story circle. This is what it sounds like. Draw a circle. Now add your story anchors: beginning, middle, end, and any key moments in between. See the image below.
  • Create an outline for your story. An outline should provide more detail than a simple story circle. Feel free to be as brief or as detailed as you prefer. You might use paper or notecards. Having a clear direction for your story can help prevent writer’s block. It’s perfectly okay to deviate from your outline as you write; just be sure to update your notes accordingly. 
  • Create a style guide that outlines details such as chapter titles, font choices, spelling conventions, and more. This document can be referenced throughout your writing, editing, and revision processes.
  • Get Organized. To avoid sorting through 8,000 files and 20 different notebooks, keep everything organized in your commonplace book or another easily accessible location while you write.

Here are a few other tips to make your story successful:

  1. Ask yourself why you are the person to tell this story. What makes it important to you? Why should your readers care? 
  2. Identify your readers. How old are they? What sorts of things do they like? You need to know your target audience. Research other books in your genre to see what’s selling and what’s already out there. 
  3. Create a workspace that works for you. If you’re easily distracted, ensure your workspace is organized and includes all necessary tools.
  4. Establish a consistent writing routine and commit to it. Your book won’t write itself! By making writing a daily habit you will train your brain to be ready when it’s time to write. Staying consistent is key.
  5. Work on your writing mindset. Imagine your book is already a success. What does that look like? Have a clear direction of where you want to go and what you want to accomplish with your book. Let go of imposter syndrome. You are a writer. You are a fantastic writer. You’ve got this! 

I hope your stories bloom and prosper.

Happy Writing!

Trista Herring Baughman is a blogger, the Managing Editor of Writing from the Peak (PPW’s blog,)  and the Managing Editor of Mississippi Folklore, a collaborative collection of Mississippi folklore and legends in a weekly blog. Her books, The Magic TelescopeHalloween Night and Other Poemsand Zombiesaurs (which she co-illustrated with her sons), can be found online. Visit Trista’s website for more info.

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